Obtain anime information by name in TioAnime

This endpoint allows you to obtain information about an anime in TioAnime.

  • Method: GET
  • Path: /anime/tioanime/name/:name

URL parameters

namestringName of the anime you want to search on TioAnime


The response from this endpoint contains the requested anime information in TioAnime.

  /** Name of the anime */
  "name": "string",
  /** Alternative names describing the name of the anime in another language */
  "alt_name?": "string | string[]",
  /** Anime identifier that can be used when the anime name is not used in the URL. */
  "id?": "number",
  /** The URL or location of the anime in the API */
  "url": "/anime/tioanime/name/${string}",
  /** The anime synopsis */
  "synopsis?": "string",
   * An <a href="./image.ts">IImage</a> interface object representing the anime
   * image and its banner.
  "image": {
    /** The URL of the content image */
    "url": "string",
     * The URL of the content banner. It is optional because it is not available
     * in all sites.
    "banner?": "string"
  /** The type of anime that indicates whether it is a movie, a special, TV, etc.. */
  "type?": "Anime | Movie | OVA | ONA | Null",
  /** Genres that apply to anime */
  "genres?": " string[]",
  /** Chronology of the anime. It is an array that contains the anime related to it. */
  "chronology?": {
    "name": "string",
    "url": "/anime/tioanime/name/${string}",
    "image?": "string"
   * The status of the anime indicating whether it is on air, finished
   * or still on hold.
  "status?": "string | boolean",
  /** Indicates whether the anime is adult content. */
  "nsfw?": "Boolean",
  "episodes?": {
    * Name of anime episode. May contain the chapter number concatenated
    * with the anime name. */
    "name": "string",
    /** The episode URL in the API query */
    "url": "/anime/${string}/episode/${string | number}",
    /** The episode number. By default the value can be 0 in string or integer. */
    "number": "number | string",
    * List of available servers where the episode is located. Remember that
    * this is not the download link of the episode but of the video player. */
    "servers?": [{
        /** Name of the server where the episode is hosted */
        "name": "string",
        * The URL of the chapter. This URL leads to the video player of the
        * server where the episode is hosted.  */
        "url": "string",
        /** Direct video file url for download */
        "file_url?": "string",
    /** The image of the episode shown as thumbnail */
    "image": "string",
   * Most anime websites have an anime statistics section including ratings and
   * number of views, etc... */
  "stats?": {
    "score?": "string | number",
    "views?": "string | number",
    "rating?": "string | number"

Example of use

GET https://jimov-api.vercel.app/anime/tioanime/name/shin-no-nakama-s2
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();
import requests
response = requests.get("https://jimov-api.vercel.app/anime/tioanime/name/shin-no-nakama-s2")
data = response.json()